Stop Crs Spencer & Pettett selling out Ku-ring-gai

Attend Ku-ring-gai Council meeting
Tuesday 4 June, 2024 7pm
Council Chambers 818 Pacific Highway, Gordon (entrance at rear of Council)

Send the message to all Ku-ring-gai Councillors: STAND UP FOR KU-RING-GAI


Read Crs Spencer & Pettetts Notice of Motion HERE

Cr Cedric Spencer & Cr Jeff Pettett have called for an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tues 4th June 2024 at 7pm to rescind Ku-ring-gai Councils legal action against the NSW Government’s undemocratic, unaffordable and unsustainable rezonings – known as the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program.

Their actions are irresponsible and go against resolutions councillors have consistently voted for since November 2023.

Legal action is the only power Ku-ring-gai Council has to save ratepayers millions of dollars in infrastructure costs that will come with the rezoning for high density housing in Roseville, Lindfield, Killara and Gordon.

Already developers have announced they want the TOD program to be extended to other areas.  This rings alarm bells for more high density rezonings for Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee and Wahroonga.  This means more environmental and heritage destruction for Ku-ring-gai—wiping out its tree canopy and heritage conservation areas.

Cr Spencer & Cr Pettett’s motion signals a “green light” for developers to make super profits from what is the largest rezoning ever in the history of Ku-ring-gai and Greater Sydney.

If passed their actions could destroy Ku-ring-gai’s tree canopy, heritage and lead to planning chaos with no additional infrastructure.