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Current & past articles

Fixing our Housing Crisis

Attend the Forum on Wed 7th August 6.30pm at NSW Parliament Theatrette
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A ‘reform’ riddled with holes

What the Minns Government is not talking about and why
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Support Disallowance Bill

Please write letters to the Upper House Crossbench calling on them to SUPPORT The Hon. Scott Farlow, MLC & Shadow Minister for Planning's DISALLOWANCE BILL opposing the Transport Oriented Development
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Help needed at FOKE Stall

Consider helping at Gordon Markets on Sunday 11 August
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Sydney’s ‘land banking’ crisis

Read Greg Callaghan's article 'Left to rot: The 'ghost homes' scourge in our big cities - amid a housing crisis, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 July 2024
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FOKE E-News July 24

Find out how you can help protect Ku-ring-gai - a place of outstanding heritage & environmental significance.
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The Koala documentary

New evidence debunks the 'scientific justification' for logging critical koala habitat. Knowing this, it is more important than ever to see this documentary.
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Vale Don Brew

FOKE member Don Brew (1935 - 2024) was honoured by Ku-ring-gai Council for his fearless and dedicated advocacy for Ku-ring-gai's heritage.
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Hope – Interim Heritage Order

Ku-ring-gai Council is working hard to protect Ku-ring-gai's 23 Heritage Conservation Areas.
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It’s YOUR home. YOU don’t have to sell

The Transport Oriented Development and Well-Located Housing SEPPs have triggered a surge of interest among developers, leading to a frenzy of activity akin to a gold rush. Developers are increasingly
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Attend, listen & watch TOD Inquiry on Wed 24 July

The final public hearing on the Development of the Transport Orientated Development (TOD) will be held in the Macquarie Room, Parliament House, Sydney on Wed 24 July, 2024
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FOKE Talk, July 2024

Read FOKE's newsletter 'FOKE Talk', July 2024 to find out the latest issues facing Ku-ring-gai.
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FOKE’s President Report, 22 May 2024

Read Kathy Cowley, FOKE President's Report that tells the work that FOKE has done to protect Ku-ring-gai over the past year.
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Good news – Lourdes planning proposal rejected

Retirement Village owner, Levande's amendments to redevelop the Lourdes Retirement Village, 95 Stanhope Road, Killara has been rejected by the Department of Planning following the Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP)
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Hope – Council’s legal action

Ku-ring-gai Council Vs NSW Government is expected to proceed from Friday 19 July 2024.
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Hope – Scott Farlow’s TOD Disallowance Bill

The Hon. Scott Farlow, MLC & Shadow Minister for Planning introduced a Private members Bill into the Legislative Council to disallow the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program across Greater Sydney, including
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Despair – Low- & Mid-rise Housing & Dual Occupancies

Thanks to all who attended Ku-ring-gai Council’s community forums on the NSW Government’s Low and Mid-Rise Housing plans.  
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Volunteers needed Sun 14 July

Help FOKE save our trees and wildlife. Volunteers needed on Sunday 14 July
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The Koala at Roseville Cinema 17 July

Join FOKE to see this important documentary about the crisis facing our national icon - our Koala
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Hope – TOD Upper House Inquiry on 24 July

The final public hearing on the Development of the Transport Orientated Development (TOD) will be held in the Macquarie Room, Parliament House, Sydney on Wed 24 July, 2024
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Save Greater Sydney Coalition Forum on 7 August

Please join FOKE on this important forum in the NSW Parliament Theatrette on Wednesday 7 August 2024 at 6,30pm. Booking details to follow soon.
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Unaffordable Auckland

Read Cameron Murray's study that dismantles the Auckland myth. Density did NOT create affordable housing.
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Why isn’t Minns worried about NSW’s housing debt?

Why isn't Premier Chris Minns telling the public about the financial costs that the Transport Oriented Development and Low and Mid-Rise Housing will bring to NSW? Some say it will
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YES it IS BAD for the whole of NSW

Read why FOKE agrees that the NSW's Government's housing policy is "bad for the whole of NSW".
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SMH Asked? FOKE Answered.

Read what a Sydney Morning Herald journalist asked FOKE. Read FOKE's reply.
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Ku-ring-gai’s C.E.W. Bean honoured by UNESCO

Former Co-founder and President of FOKE, Anne Carroll OAM, talked about the life and work of her grandfather, Charles E.W. Bean at the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society meeting on 22 June,
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Low & Mid-Rise Threats

Watch Ku-ring-gai Council explain the planning disaster that is coming to every street that is 800 metres from a train station or large supermarket
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Trees – a timely reminder

If you missed Ku-ring-gai Councils Tree Forum on 26 March, 2024 it is worthy watching again - especially in light of the NSW Governments 'deforestation designed' planning SEPPs
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Vale Jennifer Harvey

Jennifer Harvey, 10 August 1946 – 11 May 2024
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Disallow and STOP the TODs

says Scott Farlow, MLC & Shadow Minister for Planning
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FOKE’s evidence against TOD

Read FOKE's evidence against the TOD
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Minns forgets his “avalanche of many ugly, poorly built developments” speech

FOKE wishes to remind Premier Chris Minns what he said on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 8 August 2018 about planning for Greater Sydney. Read the full speech on
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345 Pac Hwy, Lindfield must not set dangerous precedent

See GB.11, Agenda, Ku-ring-gai Council meeting, Tues 18 June 2024 at 7pm HERE A private Planning Proposal has been received by Ku-ring-gai Council for 345 Pacific Highway (opposite the new Coles
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Forums on Low & Mid-rise Housing

It is important that you attend Ku-ring-gai Councils public forums that will explain the NSW Governments LOW AND MID-RISE housing plans and their potential impacts on your neighbourhood. The low
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TOD Disallowance Bill

Read more about the TOD Disallowance Bill HERE Scott Farlow, MLC & Shadow Minister for Planning, has introduced a Private members Bill into the Legislative Council. This Bill is the Environmental
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Ku-ring-gai remains steadfast on TOD legal action

FOKE thanks Ku-ring-gai Councillors who voted to continue the legal action against the NSW Governments undemocratic and environmentally and heritage destructive Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program. A majority of nine
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Stop Crs Spencer & Pettett selling out Ku-ring-gai

Attend Ku-ring-gai Council meetingTuesday 4 June, 2024 7pmCouncil Chambers 818 Pacific Highway, Gordon (entrance at rear of Council) Send the message to all Ku-ring-gai Councillors: STAND UP FOR KU-RING-GAI Email: Read
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FOKE’s evidence to TOD Inquiry

FOKE was invited to give evidence to the NSW Parliament’s Upper House Inquiry into the development of the Transport Oriented Development Program (TOD) on Monday 20 May 2024 in the
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FOKE’s evidence to Planning & Climate Change Inquiry 10 May, 2024

FOKE presented evidence to the NSW Parliament Upper House Portfolio Committee No. 7 regarding its inquiry into the planning system and the impact of climate change on the environment and communities
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Council takes legal action

Ku-ring-gai Council unanimously voted to take legal action against the NSW Governments Transport Orientated Development (TOD) State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) at its Council meeting on Wednesday 8 May, 2024.
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Blue Mtns letter to Premier Minns

OPEN LETTER TO THE PREMIER OF NSW Read letter to Premier from Blue Mountains Conservation Society published in the Sydney Morning Herald on 13 May 2024 HERE
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Ku-ring-gai’s WAKE UP letter to NSW residents

READ Ku-ring-gai’s open letter to NSW residents, published in early May 2024: An open letter to NSW residents – WAKE UP We’ve all heard about the NSW Government’s plans for
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GeoRegion = GeoWonder

Dr Peter Mitchell OAM will talk about FOKEs fascinating Ku-ring-gai GeoRegion project which celebrates Sydney’s unique geological heritage When: Saturday 18 May, 2024 Time: 2-4pm Venue: Roseville Uniting Church, 7A
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Grant for GeoRegion

FOKE and Steering Committee members of the Ku-ring-gai GeoRegion project were delighted to attend the Grants Presentation night on 20th February. FOKE sincerely thanks the Board of the Community Bank-
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RALLY Save our Suburb 12th March Sydney Domain Ipm

Save Sydney Rally

ON Tuesday 12 March 2024 1pm AT Tree of Knowledge behind Parliament House, Hospital Road, Domain. Map here. PROTEST against the new planning laws proposed by the NSW Government. THREATENS every
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TOD Inquiry Announced

The NSW Parliament has announced an Upper House Inquiry into the Development of the Transport Orientated Development Program (TOD). Submissions are due on 28 March 2924. The TOD Program will
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Say NO to NSW Government

Send your submission HERE by deadline Friday 23 February, 2024 Ideas to help you send your submission: The NSW Minns Government planning ‘reforms’:
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What will the development being proposed within 400 metres of the stations look like? No setbacks. No trees. No conservation areas.

Visit Ku-ring-gai Council to find out more here
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“You have something special here in Ku-ring-gai. Fight for it.” – Tom Uren Ku-ring-gai is about to be destroyed. It is now time for residents to fight for Ku-ring-gai. The
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NSW Government announces intentions for MORE HOUSING DENSITY

At the last Ku-ring-gai Council meeting, less than two weeks before Christmas 2023, Mayor Ngai tabled a Mayoral Minute : “The Trickle of Information Regarding Housing Density Changes – Tuesday
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